Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
science and technology science and technology for Africa
The importance of ICT/science and technology as a basis of sustainable development of Africa was reaffirmed.
NEPAD explained the core activities of the e-Africa Commission, such as the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative and the ICT infrastructure network. The Japanese expressed their intention to consider knowledge transfer in this area.
Private sector development/trade and investment
In the context of Africa’s needs the Japanese explained their development initiative for trade. This consists of the four areas of assistance: (1) knowledge and technology, (2) finance, (3) human resources and (4) systems development in three stages: production, distribution and cross-border trade as well as enhanced duty-free and quota-free market access to Japan.
The Japanese referred to the results of the TICAD ministerial conference on energy and environment for sustainable development held in Nairobi, Kenya, in March, and indicated that special emphasis is to be placed on environmental issues and climate change at TICAD IV next year.
The two sides agreed on the addition of the environment as the fifth priority sector in Japan’s support to NEPAD.
* TICAD IV – the Tokyo International Conference on African Development -- will be held in Yokohama, Japan, on 28-30 May 2008, with the basic theme of “Towards a vibrant Africa: continent of hope and opportunity”.
The aim is to discuss priorities and methods to strengthen positive trends in Africa in both economic and political areas and to mobilise knowledge and resources of the international community for the sustainable development of Africa.
The importance of the following four areas of cooperation was noted at the Pretoria meeting:
- boosting growth;
- achieving the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs);
- consolidation of peace and democratisation;
- and addressing environmental and climate change.
- Visit www.nepad.org
Breaking spirit
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Unions should be held accountable when emergency action has been interrupted due to strike action.
The cost of repairs for vandalism or other damage to property due to strike action should also be subtracted from any wage increases that has been negotiated. People should know that they could not gain from another's pain
Trees are alien to Rietvlei Nature Reserve in Cape Town

No breeding space for large birds at Rietvlei Nature Reserve in Cape Town
The threat of the extinction of the unique local vynbos plant species lead to the drastic removal of all trees from the nature reserves in the Cape.