Monday, November 15, 2010

To narrow the Gap

Two of the major blocks to transformation are the gap between the higher and lower wage earners and the other one is how much of the public/company funds are being wasted by managers and parliamentarians.Decreasing managerial income will always be unpopular.

There are other ways to tackle the problem, some of them are:

  • Stop conducting business lunches at restaurants and public venues. Why should people stuff their faces while discussing business strategies?
  • Remove all perks. Top management earn enough, they can buy their own vehicles, food, holidays and plane tickets etc. They can pay for their own security staff when off duty.
  • No more free rates and taxes.
  • No more free personal stuff, and re-evaluate how business should be conducted. Working from home may in some situations just be “taking a day off with pay”
  • People with offices should do their work from the office or allow someone else to use it.
  • People who have an office at work should not be claiming a tax rebate for the running of the home office and for traveling expenses.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If only BEE could be like a bee

The strongest quality of a bee is its ability to work united as a group. They work for the empowerment of the hive and not one sector within the swarm.

Once can say that a bee colony demonstrates unity.

If only the BEE policies in South Africa can strive towards unity, but that is not possible when one group of people is being empowered AT THE EXPENSE of the other.

Methods of empowerment that will empower all people in need and strengthen the economy would bring the “make poverty history” campaign closer to reality.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Management of mineral wealth

A country’s mineral wealth management should not only involve moving the profits from the hands of foreign investors into the hands of a chosen few black investors. That is why BEE failed in the first place.

Any change in financial policies, relating to mineral wealth, should:

  • Encourage global participation,
  • Improve the economy and
  • Pour the bulk of the mineral-wealth profit into building a strong social welfare system that can create employment and better lifestyles for all locally born citizens of a region.

No one country can be expected to feed and house the whole of Africa, but local resources of all African countries should translate to:
  • A better lifestyle for the local population,
  • Preservation of the African heritage and
  • The protection of the local Animal population.

Africa is a rich continent and its most valuable assets do not lie underground but is:
  • The diversity of life forms;
  • Unique vegetation;
  • Diversity of people and cultures;
That makes Africa the last paradise on earth.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

More help is needed for Africa to mature

It is clear that some African countries do not have the skill to create a sustainable existence for the majority of their citizens. Some rulers are richer that the total income of all their citizens.
A solution for some of the non functional African countries may be for a fist world Nation to unite with it and govern it as if it is one of its provinces.
It is clear today that some African countries were given independence too soon

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So the backlog grows

The above photograph was taken in 2007
Growing housing backlog

Here are photographs of the Westcoast rd informal Squatter camp near Blouberg Strand.
This was supposed to be a temporary arrangement in 2007.
Today, 2010, there is an ever growing hidden community of people thriving in the bush.

These people will all be demanding houses.
The fact is that whenever a municipality becomes good at housing delivery they draw homeless hopefuls from all over the African continent in hope of finding a free roof over their heads.
The more homes are built the longer the waiting list for homes grows.
The only way of solving this problem is by promising homes to people on the last voters list first. Only when that promise is filled can the next voters list be taken into account.
By implementing a global commitment to promise homes and service delivery to local voters first, the movement of people and the swamping of efficient municipalities may be contained.

Above a photograph of the same camp 2010 --- It is unclear exactly how many homeless are hidden behind the bushes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Narrow the Gap

Narrow the gap between rich and poor.

This period of recovering from the economic slump may not be a period of increasing wages, but decreasing them from the top down. The unions should understand that, and rather become watchdogs for greedy high earning opportunists than fighting for more wages for people who already have jobs.

The fact is that a working man will never have enough money, no matter how much he earns. People will spend themselves into their comfortable state of need.

We need to decrease wages right now so that there is money to create jobs for those who have no money to support their families.

Get South Africa working should be the new purpose of the unions, today --- to have 0% unemployment for all citizens who had their names on the last voters roll.

We should aim at a 100% employment figure for all voters because they were the people who cared who would run this country and they are the people who deserve jobs first.

Our new slogan should be 100% employment for all voters by 2015.

We can only do it if we make decisions that will strengthen our economy and suppress our financial greed.

Friday, June 25, 2010

G20 / G8 versus World cup

While we kick around soccer balls at the World Cup; blasting ears with the sound of vuvuzelas, to show our enthusiasm; 20 great world leaders are throwing their thoughts and some angry noise around to find solutions to the economic slump that is affecting the globe.

It is not only the money that suffers but the scars caused by greed may be a bigger global threat yet it is mostly not recognized by financial leaders.


Go to website: G20 l How to be part of the process

G20 nations see different paths for securing recovery

Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:07pm EDT

By Ka Yan Ng and Glenn Somerville

TORONTO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World leaders aimed for a common target on Thursday of securing the economic recovery, but disagreed over how best to reach it.

With two days to go before the Group of 20 summit convenes in Toronto, officials tried to downplay differences between the United States and Europe over how quickly to shift from crisis-fighting mode to budgetary belt-tightening.

"That's the delicate balance that we need to try to strike this weekend," Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said.

His U.S. counterpart, Timothy Geithner, said each country needed to decide what policy mix made sense to ensure both growth and fiscal responsibility.

"Our job is to make sure we're all sitting there together, focused on this challenge of growth and confidence because growth and confidence are paramount," he said in an interview with BBC World News America.

The G20 club of rich and emerging economies joined forces at the height of the global financial panic and poured an estimated $5 trillion into stimulus spending, emergency loans and bank guarantees, helping to ward off a global depression.

The group still has a long and difficult to-do list, including forging consensus on new rules about how much capital that banks must hold, and making sure national financial regulatory reforms do not clash on a global scale.

The cost of fighting the financial crisis and recession left gaping holes in government finances, and Greece's debt troubles have focused Europe's attention on the need to shrink budget deficits before investors lose patience. read more

Friday, June 04, 2010

Peace makers and sheep

There are those, within African societies, who are the leaders of peace and stability, then there are the sheep of society; a great majority of African citizens who have not yet developed their consciousness beyond that of their own personal needs.

We need to engender positivity and hope within our own minds; One mind at a time.

The ‘FIFA World Cup’ is a platform on which to stage our hopes and dreams for Africa.

It is only when the consciousness of the majority of thinkers swings to positive mode that the sheep will follow. The sheep of a society is like the horses that pulls the cart.

For an African society to change you need to change the unthinking masses.

When governments fail in their duty, regarding bringing peace and stability within their jurisdictions, it become crucial for the thinkers to put their doubts aside and project positivity for the sake of the unthinking masses.

Be positive during ‘The World Cup’. This may be our last chance to turn the tide of destruction at the Southern point of Africa into that of building the RAINBOW NATION.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

pray that the economy be managed with justice and equality, mindful of the “needs of peoples, especially the poorest

World Economy. That the world economy may be managed according to the principles of justice and equality, taking into account the real needs of peoples, especially the poorest.

Speaking of last year’s global financial collapse, Pope Benedict said, “it was precisely from this root of covetousness that the crisis sprang” (General Audience, April 22, 2009). Economic and political solutions can go only so far to fix the economy. What is needed is a spiritual solution to a spiritual problem: prayer.

The Holy Father asks us to pray that the economy be managed with justice and equality, mindful of the “needs of peoples, especially the poorest.” It is the poorest who are most forgotten and denied their rights to what is necessary for life — food, shelter, and medical care.

Lent is a good time to pray and give alms. Can we sacrifice something so we can give something more to others?


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Money for poverty

If money is one of the most important things needed today for charity work, what is the factor which is at present deflecting it away from making poverty history?

These words were compiled from ideas expressed in the redemptive meditation from the website: : www.lucistrust.org

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starving People eat our Herritage

When African people starve – wildlife gets eaten.

Feed the hungry to save our natural heritage.