Growing housing backlog
Here are photographs of the Westcoast rd informal Squatter camp near Blouberg Strand.
This was supposed to be a temporary arrangement in 2007.
Today, 2010, there is an ever growing hidden community of people thriving in the bush.
These people will all be demanding houses.
The fact is that whenever a municipality becomes good at housing delivery they draw homeless hopefuls from all over the African continent in hope of finding a free roof over their heads.
The more homes are built the longer the waiting list for homes grows.
The only way of solving this problem is by promising homes to people on the last voters list first. Only when that promise is filled can the next voters list be taken into account.
By implementing a global commitment to promise homes and service delivery to local voters first, the movement of people and the swamping of efficient municipalities may be contained.
Above a photograph of the same camp 2010 --- It is unclear exactly how many homeless are hidden behind the bushes.