It has been suggested and proved globally that some fires are started by firefighters, either for the Adrenaline rush or to supplement their wages, especially over the holiday season when alcohol consumption is more likely to cloud their’ judgement.
Firefighters should not be paid for emergency call-outs, but it should be part of their job description and reflect in their generous salaries.
Firefighters should be paid a maintenance fee plus a top-up fee for emergency calls. The top-up should be based on the average emergency call-out statistics from previous years.
The above policy will prevent arsonists from gaining financially by lighting illegal fires.
The emergency top-up fees should be paid whether they are called out or not.
If they are however not available when called out, they should be docked per hour from their top-up salary. If the hours they are absent exceed the month's allowance for emergency callout, the remainder can be docked from their next salary.
Firefighters' should be supplemented by a volunteer group of men and women who do not draw wages at all. This volunteer group should consist of people who can afford to give their time to help others in need.
It is time that South Africa comes into line with first world countries and learn how to share.
The above policy will prevent arsonists from gaining financially by lighting illegal fires.
(Please note that there is no evidence that links South African firefighters to any arsonist activities.)