Sunday, March 23, 2008

NEPAD NEWSLETTER 20 March 2008 Issue 217

.01 UN expert answers questions on NEPAD Action Plan, regional integration and development

.02 Corporate executives hear about NEPAD’s African Leadership Programme

.03 International media summit on the re-branding of Africa

.04 Environment Day in Senegal


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Saturday, March 15, 2008

NEPAD ONLINE NEWSLETTER 14 March 2008 Issue 216

NEPAD ONLINE NEWSLETTER 14 March 2008 Issue 216

French and English-speaking West Africa looks at business and integration

Heads of State and Government attend the Peer Review Summit

.NEPAD media workshop for African journalists

NEPAD-Spanish Women's Fund: Progress

.NEPAD TV schedule

Calendar of events


Friday, March 14, 2008

Racist behaviour at schools

The South African government should take some of the blame for racism in schools and in society as a whole. One can not cure racism with counter racist laws. It is time that jobs are allocated by merit. It is over seventeen years since the end of apartheid in South Africa. Seventeen-year-old children were supposed to be born in freedom. That is not the case. There should be no color criteria in society at all. If not enough black people benefit from treasury education, suppressing the educational opportunities of white students should not be an option. South Africa needs all the academics she can train. Rather build more universities with the millions of un-spent municipal budget money that is returned each year.

What does the government expect from the rest of the society if it continues to make racist laws in sport, education and the work force.

What happened about "One Rainbow Nation”?

What happened to "Simonye”?

How long are we going to wait for it to become realized?

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Nature vurtually vurture

The South African expert opinion believes that it is kinder to shoot more elephants to decrease their population.

Since South African children only need a 30% pass rate for maths at school, one can question any expert opinion. We are growing a generation who cannot add two and two together.

Africa is squeezing its national heritage, its jungle inhabitants, out to make way for the human invasion. Like cockroaches, humans inhabit any little crevice of natural habitat. Armed with modern weapons of war, wildlife doesn't stand a chance. If a wild animal manages to get the upper hand and kill its hunter, then the villagers use it as an excuse for a free for all killing spree.

One day there may be more wildlife in populated countries like England and Holland than there will be in Africa.

What will be left when all the fauna, flora and wildlife are gone: An African Chinese culture run by darker skinned people and poverty, or will it be a culture like the old pre war, behind the iron curtain, communist Russian society? Perhaps it will be like a London society with a tin-roofed squatter-camp backdrop?

The only way for Africa to retain its identity is to care for its natural resources and the diverse cultures of its people.

When the jungles of Africa are gone and when the last lion-king is imprisoned behind bars, while a few tusk less elephants walk around aimlessly looking for a tree while watching the hornless buffalo sunbathes in the dry river bead, visitors to Africa will be entertained in cinemas where they can view holographic make believe displays of wildlife in a jungle environment.

They will not even have to commute to Africa for their African experience.

To many Westerners, Africa is a place of disease, poverty, genocide, internal struggles and poor economic strategies. Many Africans cast their eyes far afield for solutions to their problems. The empowerment of the African people lies here on African soil. Not in Europe, China or Russia. The dignity of the African lies hand in hand with his relationship with the environment.

Africa should remain proudly African. Africa has a unique global roll to preserve itself. Africa has to preserve its jungles and it's inhabitants - human and animal. Africa has to preserve its natural pharmacy. African has to remind humanity where it originated.

Africa is the mirror of the past and a vision of the future. Africa is Africa -- and so it should remain.

One day nature may to be more valuable than money. When the food of the world dries up, and people realize they can not eat money, the world may turn to Africa to find solutions for sustainable living.

Ex Unitate Vires

Friday, March 07, 2008

NEPAD NO 215 7 March 2008 Issue 215

.01 “Help us” – Africa bank appeal to the private sector on infrastructure development


.02 NEPAD Kenya keeps busy during difficult times


.03 Uganda completes the final stages of its Peer Review


.04 NEPAD-Spanish Women's Fund: applicants asked to wait for new deadline for proposals


.05 NEPAD TV schedule



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Monday, March 03, 2008

NEPAD Newsletter 214



3 March 2008

.01 NEPAD expert looks at Africa's health workforce crisis - and what is being done to meet the challenges

.02 Africa's Great Green Wall project takes step forward

.03 Strong support for NEPAD Fish programme

.04 NEPAD-Spanish Women's Fund

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Africa one big family

Many African leaders consider other African countries as being brother and sister countries.

One can understand that they are reluctant to bend under Western pressure to alienate fellow African countries who lost favour with the western world.

They will support their own flesh and blood against all odds.


That may also explain why the border control in some African countries are applied so half-heartedly.

At some level within their minds there are no borders. Just one African brotherhood and sisterhood



Nkosi, sikelel' iAfrika;

Malupakam'upondo lwayo;

Yiva imitandazo yetu


Lord, bless Africa;

May her horn rise high up;

Hear Thou our prayers And bless us.
