It has come to my notice how many white people are becoming homeless. They feel especially vulnerable while some militant factions in the society are singing racial hate-songs like “Kill the Boer”. New immigrants are also feeling unsafe with the latest xenophobic violence in the townships.
When we try to find someone to help these people we are told, “They fall outside our area and the shelters are overflowing". There is just no immediate help for them.
We have many open fields that cannot be regarded as nature areas because it requires lawn mowing and maintenance.
We can fence these off and utilize it for the need of the displaced people as temporary transit camps to house minority groups that will find it difficult to adjust to a squatter camp society.
There can be a rule that tents would be allowed but no permanent structures.
We know that once a structure is erected it develops into a permanent settlement that just grows out of all proportion and we are faced with the residential laws that will make relocation difficult.
By supplying a transit place for displaced people, where they can camp in safety, until the social welfare department can place them; it will deter them from joining crime syndicates or prostitute gangs in order to survive. It will also be easier or the police, welfare organizations, volunteers, soup kitchens and medical personnel to keep an eye on them.
The local churches can also become involved and the newspapers can run articles relating to the need. It will take a lot of pressure off the short staffed police force and the welfare departments.
The welfare departments are divided into areas; therefore I suggest that every welfare area have one of these camps. It will not cost much to maintain because one of the rules can be that the settlers keep the place clean and help with the maintenance and plant a camp garden that can supply fresh food for them. It will be easier to assess the problem when the homeless are all at one location.
A second hand goods shop staffed by volunteers and residents can pay for the municipal services.
These camps can be erected immediately, since they are not permanent structures and in the meantime public debate can brainstorm a permanent solution to the problem.
The need is becoming more urgent as the economic crises worsen. We are loosing the battle against time and crime.
Ex Unitate Vires.
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