Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The days of just transferring money for charity from one bank account to another without any controls or supervision should be long gone

Most countries, if managed with poverty relief as the priority, can afford to feed and house their all citizens.

Before financial aid or loans are given to any country an audit should be done on government spending, financial sharing and other finance generating operations.

Why are finances being trapped within the spending reach of a few citizens while the majority starves, in so many developing countries? The answer is greed, power hunger, war or poor finance management.

Governments should put the need of the majority first and foremost, only then should they feed their greed and hunger for power. If they miss out on a few overseas trips, – so what? They can utilize video conferencing technology if need be.

A debate or conference on how to govern holistically should precede any financial aid initiative. The days of just transferring money for charity from one bank account to another without any controls or supervision should be long gone. We know that most of it goes into wages, talks and discussions, planning and expensive business trips while very little is spent on the implementation of the project.

Using some of the donated funds to employ an auditor and overseer will have a more positive effect on the poverty relief effort. Some developing countries may need training towards financial maturity.

Is it fair of any country that spend trillions on the comforts of the leaders, or on buying weapons of war, to expect financial aid from developed nations?

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