Saturday, June 30, 2007

Nuclear Power for Electricity

22 June 2007
In Africa it is not a question whether nuclear power is cheaper, more effective or more environmental friendly source of electricity. It is a question of whether the expertise and dedication exists to maintain such an operation. Not so long ago a loose bolt was found in one of the reactors at a nuclear power plant. Everyone agreed that such a potential disaster should never have happened. This very nuclear power plant wants to extend its capacity to cope with the increasing demand for electricity. To add to the foolishness of the whole scenario, of the property developers are putting pressure on the government concerned to allow for development within the safety zone. In Africa money is power. Money or an argument of more jobs or homes can buy almost anything. Decisions are often made without considering the long term or global impact.

Whether to use nuclear power or not in any African country can only be safe when all the African countries are capable of running such an operation.

The question is can nuclear power be regarded as a safe and cleaner source of electricity in on the African continent? Even if one country has the expertise discipline to run such an operation, there is the danger of a copycat reaction from less capable countries. The ripple effect of what happens in one continent soon spread to other African continents. The watchdog of the world will only be able to hold power over African countries while the money is flowing in.

It is so easy for wars, mass strike action and internal cleavages to interfere in the running of operations. Global long-term solutions regarding potentially dangerous technologies need to be implemented.

A "Chernobyl" in Africa will affect the whole world climate. It is also true that first world technologies will be utilised by third world countries if it is a cheaper solution, often regardless of the consequences.

If it is safe, cheap and reliable electrical power the third world needs, perhaps the first world should see that they get it for the sake of the global climate.

WORLD GREED 28-6-2007



One can say that greed is one of the most destructive forces in the world today.

There is enough money to ensure a comfortable living for every sentient being on the planet.

With so much money pouring into Africa all Africans should have the knowledge and tools to have a self-sustainable living.

The elements that paralyze the efforts of first world countries to have the desired "make poverty history' effect in Africa are among other:

  • The Red tape of outdated rules and laws prevent proper distribution of funds and investment opportunities in Africa.
  • Unskilled or immature or greedy decision makers.
  • Corruption and violence.
  • War and anarchy.
  • There is unwillingness among people in power to take responsibility of their own actions.
  • There is a tendency to blame and punish past injustices instead utilizing current resources to create solutions for the future.
  • We have many poor role models among teachers, politicians and those in power.
  • Too many Africans are in "victim mode".
  • A tendency to widen the gap between the higher and lower classes because of the greed of those in control of financial distribution and the population at large.
  • Another problem is the crime that is out of hand, criminal injustice and a poor social structure.
  • Drugs and drug abuse destroys the lives of too many Africans
  • A tendency of African leaders to be global beggars and expects from the first world standards that they are unable to implement in their own countries.
  • Military rule.
  • Etc. Etc.
Money alone will not permanently alleviate poverty.

Education and healing at all levels of the African society will be needed as well as positive role models from first world countries.

Africans need to learn to be accountable for their promises. The money donors should insist on that. Leaders should mirror their expectations. They are not only there to make fancy speeches while globe trotting

Shortcomings that are recognized openly in Africa are often active behind the scenes in the first world.

Where Africans may be master beggars and victims; First world leaders may be master manipulators and deceivers.

Monday, June 11, 2007

African Animals have to earn their keep

The future of wild animals in Africa is under threat. There is a tendency to expect animals to earn their keep. This may lead to only animals who are eaten, killed for sport or attract tourists will have space to roam.

These animals are often kept under poor conditions with little or no space to move.

It may be up to the tourists, bringing foreign money into Africa, to insist that they want to see wildlife roaming free. They need to show their disgust at animals being reared in captivity for the sole purpose of being shot for sport.
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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Some African politicians broaden the gap between rich and poor.

African politicians often comment about the need to narrow the financial gap between first and third world countries but how many of them actually implement that same policy in their home countries?

How can anyone take the leaders of a country seriously when they talk about narrowing the gap between rich and poor but give themselves a 50% wage increase while in the next breath offer the workers only 7%.

Are they such poor mathematicians?

Politicians empower themselves

"You can fool some of the people some of the time
But you can not fool all of the people all of the time" - popular saying

Many African (and foreign) politicians broaden the gap between rich and poor due to their own greed.

Are policies of narrowing the gap between rich and poor only empty words to score political mileage or spur foreign investment; or is it a mere smoke screen to hide racial employment laws or land invasion practises? Perhaps politicians are just liars or poor mathematicians?

The truth of the above assumption is revealed when one consider the recent policies surrounding employment laws and a country's history of land invasion management and that of the lives (or deaths) of those who occupied the land in question.

One can also compare the amount of money top management spent on themselves compared to their poverty alleviation measures.

How can any leader advocate narrowing the gap between rich and poor when they give themselves a more than a fifty percent wage increase while offering the workers less then 10 percent.

If they are serious about narrowing the gap they should give themselves a seven percent wage increase and offer the workers at the lower scale fifty percent.

Should the leaders of countries not rule by example?

Starving African feeds the glut of the world

Why should the best local food be exported while inferior produce is dumped on the African market. Why should Africans follow the first world trend? Do we not also deserve the best?

Why export food at all while 75% of Africans struggle to put decent food on the table?

Why should Africa need import food if we have enough to export?

The science for global intelligent farming exists. If all peaceful countries in Africa unite to create an African market according to the continent's needs, it would not be necessary for people to flog to the most southern point of Africa in a hope to escape starvation.

It is now the time for survival tactics while the rest of the world is still focused on making poverty a history.
Africa will have to prove that they are not merely global beggars but can and will become self sustainable.

This cycle of pouring investment into Africa will not last forever. We need to "
strike while the world's pockets are open"

Africa can not afford to wait for corrupt or war-torn African countries to restore harmony and peace. The countries who are ready to make poverty a history need to unite now to create global poverty rescue strategies.

Majority Rule in Africa

Opposition parties often create conflict and unrest by stirring the large group of "unthinking" public into violent action. It is often the politician that is able to deceive the public the most who gained power in the first place.

Sadly these same politicians often forget the very people who voted them in as soon as they are elected.

The "unthinking" public can be stirred to devotion, loyalty and peace if they experience their leader's efforts to improve their standard of living and protection.

In Africa it is the working (or unemployed) class who puts politicians in power. It is the same working class the opposition will use to topple him/her from power.

Caring for the needs of the workers and the unemployed is the best political move a politician can make.