Sunday, June 29, 2008
The African dilemma
Nepad Issue 231
Issue 231
.01 Donors increase financial support for NEPAD infrastructure facility
.02 Experts map way forward for Second Decade of Education for Africa
.03 Indigenous focus is vital for African Renaissance in education
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What freedom is there in dictatorship?
Perhaps it is time to stop blaming white rule, slavery, apartheid and other foreign interventions for problems in Africa. – (However not implying that they are blameless)
Today people are leaving the homelands for the cities to live in bricks and mortar environments introduced by foreign intervention in Africa.
The majority of Africans choose a European standard of living.
There are a few interesting points that can be pondered on in respect to American / European domination in Africa.
What percentage of descendants of African (slaves) Americans wishes to make Africa their home, today?
What was the economy in any African country like during earlier European rule compared to African rule today?
How did the crime statistics compare to that of today?
How did the living standards of ordinary people compare?
Perhaps freedom fighters; all over the world should take some responsibility for situations in Africa, today.
What freedom is there in dictatorship?
A non-racist society should not care about the color of the skin of their ruler but that of his / her capability to improve the economy and living standards of all the people in the country. "Freedom" is not swapping from white to black, that is only "exchange".
Saturday, June 21, 2008
NEPAD Issue 230
NEPAD Issue 229
01 Vacancy: Chief Executive, NEPAD
02 “Historic moment”: first meeting to integrate NEPAD into AU
03 East Africa gets action plan for Sub-Regional NEPAD Secretariat
04 NEPAD promotes science initiative to save Africa's soils
05 Kenya APRM goes to the people for their input
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Monday, June 16, 2008
Give Mr mbeke time to solve problems on the home front
It may be unfair to expect Mr Mbeke, the South African prime minister, to be a mediator in the Zimbabwean crisis, while he needs to focus all his attention on the local issues.
At home, in South Africa, the policy of non-interference will not work. Diplomats must show that they are people of action when it comes to resolving problems also.
The real culprit is the system
South Africa is faced with a major problem that stemmed from her policy to embrace refugees from other impoverished African countries, while the majority of South Africans live under the bread line. The latest price hikes just compounded the problem, leading to anger, frustration, and Xenophobia.
The South Africans blame illegal and legal immigrants of taking jobs away from them. This is in essence true.
One can hardly blame them from evicting these people from their communities.
The real culprit is a system that allowed this to happen and giving poor native South Africans no hope of ever getting out of poverty.
The latest price hikes was the cherry on the cake --. The straw that broke the camel’s back.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Refugee solution.
With proper management refugees need not be a drain on the economy.
Perhaps all current South African illegal immigrants should be classified as refugees.
They are in essence refugees in our country regardless of the situations in their native countries.
Perhaps a large unused farm could be turned into a permanent township for displaced people, where their individual skills can be utilized to become self sufficient as a group of people. Skills sharing and educational programmers can empower these people to become self sufficient when they return to their country of origin.
Permanent foreign residents who choose to integrate into the communities should be given the choice to do so.
One cannot expect our country to feed them forever. We have our own poor that need our help.
If dignity is restored among the displaced people, and their lives return to some form of permanence, (until the situation in their own countries return to normal) healing can begin.
Crime of any kind should not be tolerated by immigrants or displaced people. The penalty for such crime should be immediate deportation, regardless of the situation in their country of origin. This may prevent such a township from being turned into headcounters for crime syndicates that feed on the vulnerable and needy.
6 June 2008
Issue 228
01 "Green Revolution" aims to double Africa's rice production in the next 10 years
02 Food crisis is hurting but Africa reacts swiftly through CAADP
03 Scaling up the action on land management and desertification
04 African Ministers to discuss NEPAD Environment Plan
05 Prof. represents South Africa on the NEPAD Steering Committee