Thursday, January 31, 2008

The lion is king of the jungle


The lion, who is king of the African jungle,
is a symbol of power and strength for Africa.

Where does the lion go, when the jungle disappears, and he is only hunted for sport?

What symbol will a caged lion be for Africa?

What symbol will a lion-king hunted for sport be for Africa?

Does Africa want to see her power symbol beheaded and decorating the walls of foreign homes?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Levelling the plying fields

South Africa in stormy waters

During the apartheid years in South Africa, the economy was built on the sweat and suffering of people with colour. Leaders need to take care, today, not to level the economy in an attempt to level the playing fields. Racism always has a negative impact on the economy of any country. (Rhodesia / Zimbabwe is a prime example).

South Africa seems to be sliding backwards very fast too.

Rather than colour code executive positions, one could utilize the experience of skilled workers to educate the underprivileged while standards of service remain high.

Any ship will sail for a while, and look as pretty as ever, without experienced sailors in charge. but sooner or later she will sink. South Africa is sinking and there seem to be no one at the rudder. Zimbabwe is gone, yet she seems to be a role model for many African heads of states.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Creating divisions of might

Some African Leaders may create policies to unite the people of their countries.

Many only create deep wounds of division

when it becomes clear that in reality

the word “UNITY refers to one race or skin colour only.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Canned lion hunters the Laughing stock of Africans

Canned lion hunters the Laughing stock of Africans

Honour among lion hunters

Lion hunters are the laughing stock of Africans when they shoot lions at canned lion farms.

These tame lions are bread in captivity, often in overcrowded conditions. They are sometimes drugged to make shooting and tracking them easier.

Hunters pay big money to shoot an African lion as a virility boost. They proudly display the photograph of their kill and sometimes have the head and skin of the lion preserved. All the time they are laughed about behind their backs. "Another rich fool was born" In actual fact, shooting that lion was as easy as shooting a baby. All they had to do were aim and shoot the doped or restricted animals. Ha Ha!

People, who come to hunt in Africa, should insist that the animals were reared in the wild, and that the female is not suckling cubs. That is permissible in South Africa as a tourist trade. While there are people out there who feel the need to boost their manhood by killing a beautiful animal, there will be people who want to make money from it. Greed led to canned lion farming.

If wild lions are hunted, instead of doped, canned lions released three days prior to the shooting, then nature will be preserved. Rearing lions in small cages is cruel and do nothing for nature. It should be banned throughout Africa. This practice is called 'canned lion hunting'.

There is much more respect for someone who goes out in Safari to shoot a lion with the camera. If farmers claim they do not have the funds to upgrade their parks to a reserve, then they should seek BEE partnership.

Please search the South African Aardvark Search Engine for the latest news on canned lion hunting.

Do not be a laughing stock. Be a man (or woman) with a conscious and insist that the animal you shoot had a long enough time to enjoy a happy existence in nature. Tour companies should blacklist people who partake in canned hunting. Their websites should be on a blacklist file for potential hunters to see.

One can not stop the coward who kills the vulnerable and defensless for fun, but the serious competitive hunter can insist in good living conditions for their prey. Your hobby can actually preserve nature in Africa. Be environmentally aware and see behind the screens these people con you into.

Be a hunter, not the laughing stock of Africans. You are not shooting the last lion in Africa. Investigate. Insist in seeing other lions in wild. Males and females with cubs. Look at the conditions in which they live. Photograph it for the reference of tourist organizations. Be a proactive conservationist.

Condemn heartless canned lion farmers.

Monday, January 14, 2008

A new white African tribal custom to make managers out of boys

Racial empowerment laws in South Africa leave fewer opportunities in the job market for white male school leavers.

White male children especially will find it difficult to get good jobs. They have to wait for the selection to sift through potential employees among firstly

black women then,

black men,

then coloured women,

coloured men and lastly

white women before white boys can be considered for a job in a major South African company.

Companies are being presurised to apply these laws.

The same racial sifting will be repeated when promotions are to be considered

Educate White children to become managers from the start

White children need to be empowered to become managers and run their own companies before they leave school.

White South African parents may need to find solutions for the white male unemployment problem.

Giving your child a good education is no longer good enough for South African whites.

Perhaps we should look at black tribal customs, where the boys go into the bush to become men, for new solutions to the present white employment problem.

White boys could attend a finishing school year to become managers and self empowered as a new white tribal custom. (Perhaps in the overseas work market instead of the bush)

One cannot fight against the odds. While black people carry bleeding psychological wounds from past injustices, whites need to allow them the space to heal without sinking into poverty and despair.

Struggle makes one strong and “Boer maak 'n plan” There must be a peaceful solution. A win-win solution for all races. We cannot force racial equality in the job market but we must find a working solution.

Perhaps South Africans living overseas can help securing the futures of the boys from their fellow countrymen.

Help white South African boys to keep their heads above the water. (figuratively speaking)

Friday, January 11, 2008

African Economic Merging.

Perhaps it is time that Africa start feeding Africans and not China or America.

An economic policy that does not rely on export needs to be created.

Africa should not export food while there are Africans starving.

We have enough coal, gold, diamonds and other minerals to export.

The Southern African countries could amalgamate and share wealth for the benefit of Africans and resource sharing.

A suggested structure could be:

  • One head of the 'The Southern Africa Nations' (The Southern African National President.)
  • Old (retired) African Presidents (The Southern African National Council of the Elders)
  • Presidents of the various Nations
  • Prime ministers and other parliamentarians who deals with local affairs within the various countries.
  • One currency, the Afro, (like the Euro)

Africa should prepare for the 2020 deadline when the "Make poverty history" project ends.

Africa should utilise this window of "First World Sympathy" to empower itself.

It is not a time for war and internal struggles.

It is a time to build a strong National African economy that relies on its own resources. We still have too many companies boosting the economy who is first and foremost feeding rich individuals. Money derived from exports should put bread on the tables of the poorest of the poor.

There is a possibility that 2020 will be the cut-off time for first world guilt and sympathy for Africa. The strong nations may return to their former tendency to exploit the African nations without consideration for the people. Africa needs to build a strong structure before then.

Africa needs to protect itself from harmful external interference, however Africa needs to remember that it is a baby as far as National Unity is concerned and should learn from 'first world' examples.

Please note that information in this blog is a private opinion and not government policy.